In Australia, there is a lack of research into ticks and tick-borne diseases. On top of that, Australian health authorities do not collect tick-borne disease statistics.

The Final Report of the 2016 Senate Inquiry into “Lyme-like illness” in Australia, made recommendations relating to urgent funding for research into tick-borne pathogens, tick-borne disease treatments, and new diagnostic tests, as well as recommending epidemiological assessment of the prevalence of suspected tick-borne illness in Australia. Seven years later, little of the promised research has been completed. (See Government Engagement for information on current Government funded research).

Our hope for new research results that will benefit patients and lead to policy change, lies in organisations willing to undertake privately funded research, particularly those who value clinical evidence and insights offered by doctors and patients.

Current Research

The North Foundation, in partnership with the Snow Foundation, is currently researching tick-borne diseases. The aim of the research is to inform and provide evidence to support the creation of medically appropriate treatment options and ultimately the creation of clinical treatment guidelines for patients in Australia.

Above: Dr Richard Schloeffel, member of LDAA’s Scientific Advisory Committee, explains the research project.

The project focuses on what is happening to the bodies of patients and will lead to more certainty around diagnosis, better treatment options and an evidence based clinical pathway.

The clinical research program will initially recruit 80 patients through a specially designed questionnaire (modelled on international standard diagnostic practices) and GP referrals.

For more information, visit the North Foundation’s Tick-Borne Disease web page.

Copyright Lyme Disease Association of Australia

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